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Care of Hydrangeas

All hydrangeas need watering during long dry spells.  However, well-drained soil is important for the longevity of the plant.  Below are common pruning recommendations.

Oak Leaf (Quercifolia) - Prune in late June or July before bloom buds are set in August for the next year.  Plants five years or older can be pruned by removing a third of the older canes to the ground.

BigLeaf Mopheads and LaceCaps (Macrophylla) - Very little pruning and are best suited where there is no height restrictions.

Incrediball, Invincibelle, Limelight, Little Lime, Pinky Winky and Quick Fire (Paniculatas and Arborescens) - Prune any time other than summer but don't need to be pruned every year.  Remove cross branches and shape as necessary.  Blooms on new wood.

Climbing (Anomala) - No trimming required.  May need tying to a study trellis or fixture when plant is young.

Blue Bunny (Involucrata) - Blooms on new wood.  Prune anytime other than summer.

1 comment:

Megan Wagner said...

Thanks for the tips Donna! I have a hydrangea in our backyard and really had no idea how to take care of it (except just watering!).