
WNY Gardening collects and organizes gardening information from readers, nurseries, magazines, etc., and makes the information accessible and useful for you. Please share with fellow gardeners your news, event listings and tips. Thank you for visiting and sharing.
Happy gardening,

Don't give up on gardening just yet!

Don’t give up on gardening just yet!  Fall is the best time to …

Get inspired.  Come to the Fall Garden Fair at Lockwood’s on Saturday, September 10, 2011. In the past Lockwood’s had 25% off shrubs!

Plant trees and shrubs.  Soil temps and moisture conditions at this time of year help promote root growth needed to sustain plants through their critical first year.

Plant or transplant perennials.  Divide perennials such as peonies, grasses and bearded irises.

Dig up summer bulbs.  After the first frost, dig up dahlias, cannas, gladioli and store for winter.

Plant fall bulbs.  Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are nice but have you seen fritillaria?! Crocus are also neat when planted in the lawn.

Find out more events and tips buy picking up a free copy of Upstate Garden Journal at your local nursery, or download the current copy here.

Happy gardening!

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